Dr. Clare Craig is a pathologist. She has been among the most prominent proponents in the UK of the idea that the majority of positive Covid tests are false positives (see our page responding to this claim). In October 2020 she argued that "there is no second wave". She said that “the epidemic has passed. It’s over. We are now in the midst of a false positive pseudo-epidemic.” She argued that “the data is telling us this is not real anymore.” She has argued that "it is all based around false positive test results, when there is no real disease behind it, and I think that's what we are seeing here."

In October 2020 she also argued that “No-one is going to die of it [Covid] (only with it)" (see our page responding to this claim).

Various claims made by Craig appeared in national newspapers during 2020, and she appeared on talkRADIO on numerous occasions. In January 2021, she continued to defend the idea that most positive tests were false positives, said there were "no excess deaths overall", and that the "latest excess deaths [figures] continue to be good news".

On 7 January 2021, Craig claimed that "total hospital occupancy is normal or even low for the time of year." She argued that, where there appeared to be problems in hospitals, it was due to a "bed management crisis" that was "giving the impression that the hospital has been overwhelmed."

On 10 January 2021, Craig signed a joint open letter addressed to the FBI, MI5, and various other national intelligence agencies alleging a global plot by the Chinese Communist Party. In their words:

"...we cannot ignore the possibility that the entire “science” of COVID-19 lockdowns has been a fraud of unprecedented proportion, deliberately promulgated by the Chinese Communist Party and its collaborators to impoverish the nations who implemented it."

Co-signatories (many of whose backgrounds are described in this Twitter thread) included radio host Maajid Nawaz, businessman and David Icke co-director Simon Dolan, and private investigator Brian O'Shea.

In January 2021, Craig deleted all her tweets from 2020. However, a number remain cached, and some are shown below.

Example contributions


"I think there are COVID outbreaks (slightly lost in the noise) but the big picture looks like people are catching a cold."

Now-deleted tweet, 14 September 2020

“If the UK was completing 200,000 tests a day (which is around the number the government says it's currently carrying out), you would expect between 2,000 false positives a day. That accounts for the majority of our current positive results.”

"Our testing regime is dangerously flawed – here’s how to fix it: False positives are skewing the data and harming our ability to counter the virus", Spectator, 18 September 2020